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applied science and engineering中文是什么意思

用"applied science and engineering"造句"applied science and engineering"怎么读"applied science and engineering" in a sentence


  • 应用科学及工程


  • Since em algorithm has certain good convergence properties and can be widely applied , it has attracted many researchers from statistics , other applied science and engineering
    由于具有很好的收敛性质和广泛的应用背景, em算法一直受到统计学和其它应用科学及工程界的广泛重视。
  • The terrence donnelly centre for cellular and biomedical research dccbr at the university of toronto was opened in 2005 as a joint project of the faculties of medicine , pharmacy and applied science and engineering , to foster interdisciplinary collaboration in human genome research
    3 .多伦多大学的dccbr中心于2005年启用,为医学院药理学院及应用科学及工程学院的合作项目,以促进跨学科的基因研究工作。
  • In many fields , such as remote sensing , nuclear medical , computer tomography , geophysical prospecting , groundwater hydrology , global ocean modeling , image processing , tumor detection , nondestructive detection , the objective of applied sciences and engineering is the recovery of the original signal given a collection of noisy observations of the original signal ; we call these problems inverse problem
    在遥感技术、核医疗技术、计算机断层扫描( ct )技术、地质勘探、地下水文学、电磁辐射、图像恢复和重构、肿瘤检测、非破坏性检测等科学研究和工程实践中,经常需要根据一组观测到的数据来估计目标的真实信号,而观测到的数据往往是真实信号经模糊、失真和加噪等过程后所得的输出信号,通常称这类问题为逆问题。
用"applied science and engineering"造句  
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